2017年8月22日 星期二



I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.





John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:
Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.


Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The Three Treasures


The Three Treasures



Congratulations on everyone.  Today you all receive Tao.  Why can we receive Tao easily?  Why has Gautam Buddha passed through many hardships and then got enlightening of Tao?  It is because now there are much more disasters and calamities in the world.  The Heavenly Mother cannot stand for good and bad people together buried under the ground so that Tao is given by Him to save kind people back to the heaven.  Thus, first we must appreciate for the grace of the Heavenly Mother.

Why must the Holy Master burn the Dragon and Heavenly Form back to the Heaven.  It means that your name has been already deleted from the hell and registered in heaven.  Second, we bother the hell missioners and the heavenly missioner for support or we cannot go back to the heaven in the future.

    Third, the Holy Master is ordered by the Heavenly Mother for salvation.  Only he or she has heavenly mandate and has the right to transmit Tao to you.  Others cannot take this heavenly mission as they have not heavenly mandate and the three treasures are secret.

Fourth, you know in the past, if you wanted to acquire Tao, it was very difficult.  Why is it?  We can see why Gautam Buddha gave up everything.  And he passed through many hardships and sufferings for many years.  Finally, Ran Deng Buddha transmitted Tao to him so that he knew the truth way of the heaven and gone back to the heaven to become Buddha.  We must cherish it and realize that Tao is not bought by money.  As it is the heavenly secret and one to one transmission base.  We are also not as wisdom as Gautam Buddha.  Thus, we must get blessing by this ceremony and the three holy lamps must be enlightened.

Fifth, we have done bad karma in the previous lives.  After attaining Tao, the Heavenly Mother carried 50% of our bad karma and another 50% of bad karma must be taken by us.  After receiving Tao, we can accumulate our merits and virtues for releasing our bad karma.  As the above mentioned, we must appreciate for the grace of the Heavenly Mother and the Great Teacher’s virtues, the Holy Master and our ancestors and ourselves as well.


We can acquire Tao today, we must have the three qualifications as below:

1.      Have done good foundation of cultivation in the previous lives.  We not only externally have done good deeds and merits, but also internally have done cultivation virtue.

2.      Good and virtuous ancestors.  Our ancestors of the family tree have spare virtues so that we can smoothly receive Tao today.  If our grandparents and parents are killers or they are selling animals or kill animals for living.  Our bad karma must obstruct us to receive Tao.

3.      Have the affinity with Tao.  We all like to pray Buddha.  If we do not like to pray Buddha, today we do not have the opportunity to come in the door of this temple and lost the chance of receiving Tao.

The three advantages

1.      Stop reincarnation (transcend birth and death).  After attaining Tao, we will stop reincarnation and directly go back to the Supreme Heaven for achieving Buddhahood.  If we do not receive Tao, we will keep up reincarnation from the six ways of our organs.  How can we transcend birth and death?  The only way is to receive Tao.  These six ways of reincarnation include eyes, mouth, nose, ears, the belly and the top of the head.  If our souls come out from our eyes, we will become birds in the next life.  If our souls come out from our ears, we will become the four-leg animals in the next life. If our souls come out from our mouths, we will become the water animals in the next life. If our souls come out from our noses, we will become fly, mosquito, insects and worms in the next life.  If our souls come out from our bellies, we will become human beings in the next life.  If our souls come out from our top of the heads, we will become noble and status and wealthy people in the next life.

2.      Avoid any dangerous disasters and calamities.  After acquiring Tao, as long as we know how to use the three treasures properly and do not disclose these secrets, we can avoid any dangerous disasters and calamities like earthquake, airplane crash, and we can release unlucky situation as we are protected by Buddhas.  For example, if we came across traffic accident, originally we might have become disable, but we got safe, just became injured.

3.      Change our life to become lucky.  If we always come back to the temple for worship.  We always keep our mind at peace.  Because we are inner peace, we can anticipate what will happen in the future and avoid unlucky event to be appeared.  The more we worship the Heavenly Mother, the luckier we will be.

The Three Treasures

1.      The Heavenly Portal

We can use those pictures to explain the Heavenly Portal as below: the truth eyes, the truth way of the heaven, the upright door of the heaven (below the two eyes, there are the sun in the left side and the moon in the right side), the pure vase of the God of Mercy, and why Jesus died on the cross?  

Now we start the beginning.  Do you believe our human being has soul?  Do you know a car is needed by a driver?  If there are not any drivers, the car cannot be driven.  Do you know the truth eyes’ photo?  In Nepal and Tibet, many monks (lama) and nuns (ani) pray this photo the whole life, they still do not understand the meaning of this photo.  They also built the majestic tower of Buddhist pagoda about this truth eyes.  Do you think they can go back to the Supreme Heaven?  No, they cannot as they really DO NOT know the meaning of this truth eyes.  It is heavenly secret so that Gautam Buddha drew this photo in order to give everyone a hint and to realize the truth way of Tao.  Do you remember where the Holy Master transmitted Tao to you?  Only the Holy Master has this heavenly key (heavenly mandate) as he or she is ordered by the Heavenly Mother.  Thus, the Holy Master used this heavenly key to open your Heavenly Portal.  We received Tao today the same as what Gautam Buddha attained.  In the future, we directly go back to the Supreme Heaven by this way as our soul (true-self) is there.  We can stop reincarnation in the future as this way (the Heavenly Portal) is the only truth way of the Heaven and we do cultivation for achieving Buddhahood.

2.      The Divine Mantra

Do you remember how the Holy Master transmitted the Divine Mantra to you?  O represents the Supreme Heaven Buddhas.  O represents the Spiritual Heaven Buddhas.  O represents the material world temples’ Buddhas.  OO is Maitreya Buddha as he is in charge of the Heaven.  You only can murmur the Divine Mantra in your mind, you cannot talk from your mouth.  The Divine Mantra is like SOS and password.  We cannot disclose this heavenly secret or we will be punished by the Heaven.  It cannot be written down, cannot be talked to others, cannot be taught only if the three holy lamps are not enlightened.

3.      The Symbolic Seal

Do you remember that the Holy Master transmitted the Symbolic Seal to you all?  The right hand is Yang and the left hand is Ying.  The first hour () is Yang (plus+), the last hour () is Ying (minus-).  If we cross two hands ()together.  It means that we are heavenly children.  Another point is that plus and minus can create electricity.  Our self-light automatically ignites in our Heavenly Portal when we hold the Symbolic Seal.

 Gautam Buddha always close his eyes 80% and only open 20% to look at his top of the nose in his whole life.  If you use this way to concentrate on the Heavenly Portal, murmur the Divine Mantra and hold the Symbolic Seal, you can avoid any dangerous disasters and calamities.

These three treasures are the Heavenly secret, we definitely cannot disclose it or we will be punished by the Heaven.  We can review the three treasures, only when the three holy lights (the Heavenly Mother light, the sun light and the moon light) are being ignited.  If we know how to use these three treasures, we not only can avoid any dangerous disasters and calamities, but also we can change our life to become lucky.  When we come across any dangerous situations, we concentrate on the Heavenly Portal, hold the Symbolic Seal and murmur the Divine Mantra in our mind.  All Buddhas immediately (right away) come to save us.  But we cannot disclose these three treasures and then it works.  It cannot be written down, cannot be taught and cannot be talked to others if the three holy lights are not ignited.  These three treasures will be asked when you go back to the Supreme Heaven by the Heavenly Gate in the future.  Only here (the Heavenly Mother temple), we worship by the Symbolic Seal, but in the other temples pray by your own ways.

Tao receiver’s card

This card is proved that you have already received Tao.  If other people introduce you to receive Tao again, you do not need to receive Tao again as you receive Tao one life one time.  It is receiving Tao ID card, you must keep it safe and clean, do not let it lose as we will not give you it again.  As there is Buddha inside it, you must respect it.  It includes your name, receiving Tao date, the receiving Tao temple’s address, the Holy Master’s name, the introducer’s and the guarantor’s names etc.  You must remember the introducer and guarantor’s kindness and virtues.  They are like our reliving parents.  If we do not have them, we cannot receive Tao today.  We also cannot go back to the Supreme Heaven in the future.  Therefore, we must bring many kind people to receive Tao for salvation.  Not only we go back to the Supreme Heaven, but also we want to save our relatives and friends back to the Supreme Heaven in order to save them transcending the worldly suffering sea.  In this case, we must do many good deeds and virtues in order to repay our introducer and guarantor’s kindness and virtues.

Merit fee

Do you remember when the Holy Master burned the Dragon and Heavenly Form, your name is in it, your merit fee is also in it and the introducer and guarantor as well.  Your NT 500 has also been already recorded in the Supreme Heaven and the Supreme Heaven has already opened your good deeds’ account after the Holy Master burned the Dragon and Heavenly Form to the Heaven.  Its purpose is to print the holy books for people.  The Chinese saying: people are advised to become kind by talking can be transmitted in one life, but people are advised to become kind by the holy books can be transmitted many lives.  This merit fee is one life one time done by you.  It is like your bus fee to Kaoshung, you must pay NT1,000.  If you pay NT500, you will get off on the half way.  If you don’t pay it, you will walk to Kaoshung.  Thus, if you do not give this merit fee in the whole life, you cannot go back to the Supreme Heaven as you will be asked by the Heavenly Gate in the future.  And you also think which way is far, the Heaven or Kaoshung?  The answer is the Heaven is far away.  Furthermore, take one time bus and pay one time bus fee, but merit fee is good deeds and one life one time.  Which is cheap, we know.  Thus, we must appreciate for the grace of the Heavenly Mother.  He gives us the chance to do basic good deeds.  If we do not bring any money or just bring a little money, we can gradually do this special contribution to the temple’s donation box when you every time come to the temple and accumulate it until NT500 and finish your basic good deeds.  If you have it, you can contribute it now. 

After receiving Tao, we can practice vegetarian. Bring many good people and relatives to receive Tao for salvation and to do Tao cultivation for achieving Buddhahood.  Hope you often come back to the temple and join the Tao courses and welcome you come to do research Tao and you will know how to reflect on yourself and you will develop yourself day by day, month by month and year by year and support Tao propagation for your will power.

Last, we appreciate for the grace of the Heavenly Mother and the Great Teacher’s virtues.  We wish your body, mind and spirit are happy, healthy and peaceful every day.




西遊記 人生如戲·但看先哲這篇《修行即是一部西遊記》: 西遊記演角色扮演,意馬馳騁八識馳衍;不是別人皆自導演,識轉智慧安然無間;過程曲折阻礙難前·意馬牢拴駕馭恆遠; 精采好戲不斷上演,心猿鬧弄緊箍念咒;人生何嘗不是演戲, 心中默念五字真言;修道亦是橫逆考驗·日久功純止息妄念; 西...